This is the personal Blog home of Brian M. Westbrook. I make no guarantees you will like what you see here -- or receive any value. If you're looking for my radio stuff, it has (for the most part) moved to:

18 August 2009

Disney D23 Expo Uncovered! Part One: Into the Archives

Ya' know when you see someone on camera and discover a whole 'nother side to them?? That just happened when I saw this promo video with my friend (and @GayDaysAnaheim colleague) Jeffrey.

Sure they probably had "produce viral video" on the marketing plan, and sure it's a shameless plug for Disney's upcoming D23 Expo at the Anaheim Convention Center Sept. 10-13 (like what I did just there? ;-) )... but this one actually works. And it's h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s!

Especially when Jeffrey tries to talk to the camera through an exhibit case. Priceless.

Check it out and let me know what you think, ehh?

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